Version 2.5.1



The Roadmap for BIM Beaver outlines the planned functionality additions and development stages of the application. Here is an overview of the roadmap:

Step 1: Application Base
In this initial step, the focus is on establishing the foundation of the application. The following features and functionalities are being developed:

  • Application framework: Creating the core structure and infrastructure of the application.

  • IFC file read/write: Enabling the application to read and write IFC files, ensuring compatibility with the industry-standard file format by using Step library.

  • 3D view: Implementing a robust 3D viewing capability to visualize the architectural models.

  • Property view: Providing a dedicated view to display and edit the properties of the IFC instances.

  • Export files: Enabling the export of various file formats related to the 3D model, allowing users to share or collaborate with other software.

Step 2: API
In the second step, the focus shifts towards the development of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for enhanced extensibility and customization. Two types of APIs are planned:

  • COM API: Developing a Component Object Model (COM) API to enable customization within the application.

  • C# API: Creating a C# API to facilitate customization within the application.

Step 3: Building Parts 1
This step involves the creation of various IFC objects related to architectural elements. The focus is on generating commands to create the following elements:

  • Footing
  • Columns
  • Walls
  • Beams
  • Slabs
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Plates
  • Bolts
  • And more…

Step 4: Building Parts 2
In the final step of development, additional IFC objects related to architectural elements will be created through commands. These include:

  • Coverings
  • Roofs
  • Rebars
  • Welds
  • And other relevant elements…

Currently, the development phase of the application is in Step 2, which focuses on the implementation of APIs for enhanced functionality and customization options.


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